Do you want to have a great New Year's Eve party? Are you trying to find ways to have a party without going broke? These tips will help you to maximize your savings without minimizing your festive atmosphere:

Move the party outside: In Paris, revelers stroll the famous Champs-Elysées while waiting for the light show from the Eiffel Tower at midnight. In New York City, thousands crowd brave the weather to watch the dropping of the famous Times Square Ball. Having your party outside means that you don't have to plan a formal sit down dinner. Instead you can create a fun, casual atmosphere by serving finger foods. Celebrating outdoors also means you'll save on carpet cleaning and not having to worry about spilled drinks staining your flooring. 

Make sure that the party is well lit: Find eye catching cheap lanterns online to serve as lighting, as well as decorations. Flameless LED candles can stand alone, or be used in holders without worrying about fire hazards. Run strings of Christmas lights on the ground to mark pathways and accentuate landscape details, such as flower beds and ground covers. Round nylon lanterns that match your home can become part of your outdoor decor after the party is over. You can easily fine reliable and cheap lanterns online.

Borrow and recycle: Make your guests feel like they're part of the plans by asking them to help with party supplies. For example, some of your friends might have chimineas or patio heaters that you can use. Encourage your friends to bring any extra chairs they have. Grab some strings of Christmas lights and use them as runners on your party tables. Cut the numerals 2015 out of cardboard and glue on the shiny tinsel from your Christmas tree. Buy plastic flutes from the dollar store and embellish their outsides with glitter. 

Create the right atmosphere: Set up a blackboard where people can publicly share what they won't miss about 2014, including songs, catch phrases or memes. Print out cards that allow your guests to answer questions like, "What was the best part of 2014?" "What bad habit do I want to break this year?" "The thing I want to learn this year is.." and have them read them aloud in turns. After everyone is done, gather the slips and save them in a container that you've marked "Time Capsule" and announce that you'll open the capsule at next year's party. 

Give them party favors to take home: Buy extras of the cheap lanterns online so that each of your guests can receive one as a party favor. Tell them that you want the lantern to symbolically light their way through the new year and that you are looking forward to seeing them and their lantern in 365 days. 
