If you have asbestos tile, you may be unsure if you can have carpet installed over this tile. This saves you the trouble and expense of having to remove the tile. If you are facing this dilemma, here are a few frequently asked questions you may have about this situation.

Can Carpet Be Laid Over Asbestos Tile?

Carpet can be laid over asbestos tile. The advantage to this is that you don't have to remove the asbestos tile. Removing tile that contains asbestos is costly as you have to bring in a trained environmental agency to assist with the removal. As such, many people decide to simply lay carpet over the tile for financial reasons.

Does Carpet Need to Be Installed Any Differently Over Asbestos Tile?

There are no special precautions that need to be taken when installing carpet over asbestos tile compared to any other types of tile. If tiles are missing, the area needs to be filled in to create a level surface. If there are cracks, the cracks need to be filled in with compound to prevent the cracking tiles from shifting. Once the surface is even and prepped, carpet padding is laid down, followed by the carpet.

Do I Have to Notify Any Potential Buyers of What is Under the Carpet?

If you are considering selling your home now or in the future, you may be wondering what your obligations are when it comes to disclosing what is hidden underneath the carpet. If you know you have asbestos tiles in your home, you are legally obligated to disclose that to any future potential buyers. Simply covering the tiles with carpet does not absolve you of this burden. However, if you suspect the tiles may contain asbestos, but are not positive, you are not under any obligation to disclose this information. However, with that said, many flooring installers will confirm with you that your tiles do contain, or do most likely contain asbestos, when they cover them. If they say this, you do need to disclose this information to any future buyers.

If you have asbestos tiles in your home, and hate the way they look, you may think that you can't get rid of them due to the cost associated with removing them. However, fortunately for you, asbestos tiles can easily and inexpensively be concealed under carpet padding and carpeting. This can help you change the look of your home, without the expense that goes along with removing these tiles. To learn more, talk to a carpet company like Carpet Depot Inc.
