Curb appeal makes all the difference to the exterior of your home. Your lawn plays a huge role in the look and value of your home. Regardless of what the house looks like on the inside, it is important that the outside remain well maintained if you want to keep your home looking great. This involves year-round lawn care. While this may seem expensive, there are ways you can cut costs on landscaping in order to stay within budget and have a great looking yard.Here are some tips to help you save money on your landscaping. 


One of the best ways to cut costs on your landscaping bill is to design a "xeriscape" with plants and materials that don't require as much water. Xeriscaping is especially great if you live in dry climates. You can do this by reducing the amount of turf on your lawn and adding rocks, ground cover, and mulch that do not require as much water. If you plan your landscape well, you could end up reducing the amount you mow by up to 50%. This means less time spent on your landscaping and less gas needed to run your mower. 

Mowing Less

During certain times of the year, you could find yourself mowing every week. This can take quite a bit of time and money over the course of a year. To help reduce the amount of mowing you do, you want to make sure you are not mowing your grass too short. By leaving the grass a little bit taller, you are able to shield the roots. This allows the roots to grow better. When the roots are stronger, this makes it easier for the water to soak deeper into the ground. During the summer, experts recommend mowing your lawn to about 4 inches to avoid cutting it down too short. Anything more than 2 inches and you could be damaging it. 


If you want to keep a lush, green lawn, then you want to make sure that you inspect it every so often. Look for dry, brown spots where patches of grass may be missing. If you do see some dry areas, then you want to reseed the area. Even in spots that seem to be green, you should still add some new seeding. Old grass is more prone to diseases and other issues. If you haven't reseeded your grass in years, you should do it right away. New grass is also less dependent on water than old grass. 

For more tips and tricks, check with the professionals at Cumberland Valley Tree Service & Landscaping.  
