Wood stoves are installed for heat, cooking, or ambiance. Choosing the right model is a must if you hope to add this appliance to your home. 

1. Firebox Size

The size of the firebox should be considered when looking at wood stoves. If you need a long-burning stove, such as one designed to provide heat overnight, then a deeper and larger firebox is necessary. You may also need a larger firebox if you plan to do a lot of cooking on the wood stove as opposed to only using it for heat or ambiance. 

2. Efficiency

For stoves that must provide heat to a room or entire home, the efficiency of the stove matters. Some are designed to provide as much heat efficiency as possible for every piece of wood burned. A stove may also come with integrated fans, which help push the heat throughout the home. This increases both heating capacity and efficiency as the home is warmed more evenly.

3. Fuel Options

Make sure you can burn the type of wood fuel you want to use. A larger stove may be necessary if your fuel is larger logs that you cut yourself with minimal splitting. A smaller or even rocket-style stove works well if you mainly plan to burn small twigs and smaller split logs. There are also some stoves that are only designed to burn wood pellets, which aren't suitable if you hope to cut your own firewood for the stove. Combination stoves can be used with logs or pellets.

4. Usage Needs

Consider how you plan to use your new wood stove. If it is just for ambiance, then a smaller stove that requires minimal wood and produces little heat may be enough. A larger stove that can warm a room is sufficient if you will only use it to lower central heating costs, while a larger one is necessary if it is to be the primary heating source. You can also purchase stoves that are made to cook on top of as well as those with baking and warming ovens. 

5. Size Constraints

The size of the space and the chimney can also affect your choice. The stove you settle on must fit into the space available, with plenty of clearance around it to provide airflow and prevent fires. The chimney and vent system must also be large enough to handle the size of the stove. For larger stoves, it may be necessary to upgrade the chimney. 

Contact a company that offers sales like Blaze King stove sales to learn more about the options that are available. 
