Fire extinguishers aren't just for protecting businesses and public buildings. They're also needed throughout the home, placed conveniently in a location close to any source of open flame or heat that could start a house fire. Keeping the right extinguisher next to each fire hazard isn't enough over a longer time though. Extinguishers need regular recharging to continue operating as designed. Pressure drops over time inside the canister, making it harder for the foam or powder to spray out and suppress the flames. If you've realized your home fire extinguishers are reaching their expiration date soon, you'll need to decide between buying replacements and taking your current devices in for recharging.

Examining the Extinguishers

First, not all fire extinguishers are compatible with refilling or charging equipment. Units with plastic handles and valves are disposable only, while those with metal gear are usually designed for recharging. Damaged, rusted, or otherwise worn-out extinguishers shouldn't be refilled either. Check what extinguishers you have and what kind of condition they're in before assuming they're ready for recharging.

Comparing Direct Costs

Costs vary for both recharging services and brand new replacement extinguishers. Check out what services in your area charge and compare that to prices for replacements from local stores or online retailers. In most cases, you'll find that recharging is at least slightly less expensive. Also count the cost of driving to and from the recharging service, as well as any shipping for replacements, when trying to decide which method will cost the least.

Considering Access to Services

If you find a good deal on extinguisher recharging, make sure it's locally available first. While recharging is offered by some public safety facilities like fire stations and health departments, it's usually a private service. Your area may offer a lot of options for nearby recharging or nothing within a reasonable driving range. If you'll need to drive more than a short distance to take your extinguishers in for recharging, it's likely better to just replace them with units shipped directly to the home.

Qualifying for Quantity Discounts

Having a bunch of fire extinguishers throughout the home can help qualify you for discounts on recharging. Bringing them in all at once ensures every extinguisher in the home is fully ready for use. Of course, not all recharging services offer this kind of discount, but it's worth asking about if you have several extinguishers.

Don't let an aging fire extinguisher give you a false sense of safety. You may find a few need replacement while the rest can be recharged at a lower cost. Contact a fire extinguisher recharging service near you to learn more.
