Whether you're designing a brand new kitchen from scratch or are planning a renovation of your existing kitchen space, cabinetry will be one of your most important purchases. Not only does cabinetry serve a functional purpose in any kitchen, but it can really make or break the look of your space. If you want to explore some unique ideas for your new kitchen cabinets, there are a few up-and-coming trends to consider. 

1. Stained Glass Cabinet Panels 

It's not uncommon to find kitchen cabinetry with built-in glass panels these days. Cabinets with glass can be a great way to showcase some of your finest dishes and china. If you want to add an extra-special touch, however, forego the traditional glass panels and opt instead for stained glass. Kitchen cabinetry with stained glass accents can really set your kitchen design apart from the rest, especially when you choose a stained glass color that complements the rest of the kitchen's color choices.

2. Bold Cabinet Hardware

If you're looking for a cabinetry trend that's a little less permanent and a little more versatile, consider going with more traditional cabinets that incorporate bold hardware instead. Eye-catching drawer knobs, cabinet handles, and even hinges can go a long way in making your kitchen design stand out. Meanwhile, cabinet hardware is easy enough to change out so you can mix up your design choices with ease down the road.

3. Two-Toned Color Schemes

Rather than choosing kitchen cabinets that are one stark color, consider embracing the two-toned trend. This usually entails choosing one color of cabinetry for your upper cabinets and a different color for your lower cabinets. This is a great way to get a little more creative with your design and color choices while still staying on-trend.

4. Ceiling-Height Uppers

Last but not least, explore options for ceiling-height upper cabinets rather than choosing cabinets that stop a foot or two short of the ceiling. This will not only provide you with some additional cabinet storage space but will also create the illusion of a larger kitchen. Meanwhile, you'll avoid the dust trap that can occur (and the subsequent cleaning hassle) when you have cabinets that stop short of the ceiling.

These are just a few of today's trendiest kitchen cabinet design ideas to consider for your own space. Whether you prefer a more traditional look or a little more modern, you can make these choices your own.
